Sunday, January 5, 2014

SimplyElouise - My adventures and successes in sewing.

Some of you have noted that I haven't been posting much at all this year. I'm sad to be agreeing with you.

Since the end of 2012, I've taken on the very large task of starting a small business - SimplyElouise. Today marks its 1st anniversary!

A lof ot my time, instead of taking pictures and documenting my food adventures, is now filled with designing and making contemporary sewing products. SimplyElouise has blossomed tremendously since it's inception - in more ways than I've imagined; and I am so blessed to celebrate 1 year today!

I have missed sharing my foodie journey with you. My goal for this year is to have a more balanced sewing/cooking life. I continue to explore seasonal farmer's markets and cook for myself, friends, and family - I look forward to sharing more cooking adventures with you in the weeks and the months to come :)

On the off chance you're interested in my sewing adventures - take a look at what I've been up to: