Sunday, February 19, 2012

Scallop and Bacon Pasta

From Good Housekeeping:

2 slices bacon, chopped
1 pound sea scallops
2/3 cup apple juice
1/3 cup heavy cream
1/4 tsp salt
1/8 tsp ground black pepper
3 tsp chopped fresh chives
4 servings of your choice of pasta,  prepared

1.) In a nonstick skillet, cook bacon over medium heat until browned. Transfer to paper towels to drain. Meanwhile, pull of and discard tough crescent-shaped muscle from each scallop. Pat scallops dry with paper towel.

FYI - It took me for-e-ver to get my scallops dry and I went through several paper towels.

2.) Increase heat to high. Add scallops to drippings in skillet and cook, turning once, until just opaque throughout and browned, about 4 minutes. Transfer scallops to platter and keep warm.

3.) Add apple juice, cream, salt, and pepper to skillet. Heat to boiling over high heat; boil until sauce has thickened slightly, about 7 minutes.

4.) Pour sauce over scallops and toss with 2 tsp chives. To serve, top pasta and sprinkle with bacon and remaining chives.

Makes 4 servings and can also be served over rice, mashed potatoes, or warm toast. It was good over pasta, so be creative.

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